
Here Comes the Bridegroom

Matthew 25:1-10

There is an old Jewish tradition regarding marriage. When a man decided to get married, according to Jewish custom, he had to travel from his home to the home of his bride-to- be. No matter how far she lived from him he would still make the trip. Once there, he would marry his bride, and a celebration would take place, lasting sometimes for a whole week. Then, they would return to his home where he and his bride would begin their new life together.

This tradition was symbolic to the coming of Christ (the bride groom) for His bride (the church-all believers). Scripture tells us that the day will come when Jesus Christ, as the bridegroom, will return for His bride (the church) to take her back to His home to live forever with Him.

The bride, knowing her groom was coming, did not know exactly when her groom would arrive, only that he was on the way. The bride had to be ready and waiting for her love.

So, it is for us, the church, the bride. We must be ready and waiting for our bridegroom. We do not know exactly when He will arrive, but we do know He is coming for us, the church, His bride.

Here comes the bridegroom!

Are you ready to meet your bridegroom, Jesus Christ?
